MPME Consultation

“Do you Really Have In Place Right Now What It takes To Put Every Member in Your Congregation in Their God-given Kingdom Assignment, Double Member Involvement and Increase Member Retention  to Make a Greater Impact in Ministry so that the Vision for your Ministry and every Member’s Personal Life Finally Gets Done?”

A Special Invitation to Senior Leaders, Ministry Leaders and New Member Pastors from Wearing The Right C.A.P.™ and Robin Kegler, The Wearing The Right C.A.P. Coach™…


FREE 30 MINUTE Ministry Placement Strategic Analysis Phone Consultation

Fill out the form below for your FREE 30 minute phone consultation—ACT NOW to claim your Ministry Placement and Mobilization analysis! (Extremely Limited time offer—$175 value)

Robin Kegler, The Wearing The Right C.A.P. Coach™ is looking for a small group of bright, cutting edge, action-oriented Senior Pastors, Executive Pastors and New Member Leaders who are tired of plugging new members into any ministry just because its open, and are ready to help everyone of your members…

Identify where they Really fit with such precision that there is no more confusion

Get started in as little as 8 hours in your Kingdom Assignment with a built in support system

Follow a Proven easy to follow step by step ministry placement system that can literally double member retention and involvement so that the vision for your ministry and each members’ personal life finally gets done!

 When you take advantage of this FREE Reserved 30 Minute Ministry Placement Strategic Phone Consultation ($500 value) in this pivotal time in the world, you say “Yes” to…

  Happier members who are better matched to their Kingdom Assignment so that they are more personally fulfilled, and in a stronger position to impact their world for Christ

  Committed members who stay with your ministry because they can make the connection between the ministry vision and their personal God-given vision

Resulting in more healthy and effective ministries


Don’t Blame The Devil…The Economy…or Anything Else! 

Stop fooling yourself.  You don’t need more members. In fact more members misplaced in their ministry assignment, specifically, their God-given Kingdom Assignment, or worse, members sitting and doing nothing is your enemy…Not the devil

What you need are the right action steps…executed properly…to save you time, energy and the frustration of  not seeing the fulfillment of your ministry vision finally get done.

This is your chance at having Robin Kegler assist you as you eliminate pew squatters forever because the right people are in the right place…doing the right assignment in and through your ministry.  Robin Kegler, The Wearing The Right C.A.P. Coach’s™ strategies have touch ministries across denominational lines and ministry size…start-ups, small/medium and mega churches.  Its ministry placement and mobilization the way it should be done!

   Yes, Robin!  I WANT to double member involvement and increase member retention and make a greater impact so that the vision for our ministry and every member finally gets done. 

I want every member to identify their kingdom assignment…whether in the ministry, marketplace, and community or globally with your proven easy step by step strategies.  Sign me up to receive my FREE 30 Minute Ministry Placement Phone Consultation ($500 value).  Only serious ministry leaders and new member pastors should register.

Complete Form to Schedule your complimentary 30 Minute Ministry Placement Strategic Phone Consultation with Robin Kegler, The Wearing The Right C.A.P. Coach™ today!

NOTE:  If you have trouble submitting form below, please email information to: