Ministry Placement

Wanted:  Senior Pastors who are ready to unleash a greater impact in ministry and ready to move on to the next phase of ministry in their life, but feel stuck with leaders and members who don’t know where they fit in ministry?

“How Often Do You Hear Yourself Saying, ‘No, I don’t know how to motivate my members and leaders to get up out of the pews to do the work of ministry, but I want to.’?”


“I don’t know where my members fit in ministry, but I want to.”


“I don’t know how to put my members and leaders in the right place in ministry, but I want to.”

There Is a Wrong Way and a Right Way to Fit Every One of Your Members in Their Right Place in Ministry

“I got clarification and confirmation regarding my five -fold ministry. I also learned that my gift covers my home, work, etc…not only ministry.”  Ryan F. /Virginia

“Finally, There Is an Easy To Follow, Step By Step System to Get Your Members Out of the Pews and Doing the Work of Their Ministry in as Little as 8 Hours—Guaranteed!”

Imagine what it would be like if everyone in your congregation automatically stepped into their place of ministry and did the work with joy while impacting the lives around them.

Wouldn’t it be amazing if your leaders and members were so impactful and effective carrying out the God-given vision for their lives that it drew others into your ministry, but more importantly, into the Body of Christ—easily and effortlessly?

Of course you’ve heard that most people take action when they understand and see how it benefits them.  It is the ‘What’s in it for me?’ syndrome.

Wearing The Right C.A.P.™’s FREE Ministry Placement Made Easy 4 Part Video Series© shows you how to get the results your leaders and congregation are looking for and can connect to because they will be able to quickly see what’s in it for them.

Click Here to get it FREE Now…

An Enlightening Experience

“If you ever wanted to know where your place is in ministry, or in what God has called you to do, this is an awesome program. It has been an enlightening experience.”

Andreas C., Maryland

As you absorb this information, you will start to feel better and better about how to fit every leader and member into their right place in ministry. And little by little, you begin to release the stress from not having answers to how to fit your congregation in their right place to suddenly having the answers that get your members and leaders out of the pews started in their work of ministry in as little as 8 hours!

As you read each word on this page and see how easy it is to get started with these 4 FREE short videos, your spirit will leap for joy—much like Elizabeth’s baby, John did in her womb when Mary, the mother of Jesus, came to visit.

“Why will your spirit leap?”

Because you’ll begin to see that not only do your members and leaders uncover and unlock their right place in ministry, but now, so can you!

“Yes, you really can move on to the next phase of ministry God has called you to!”

Let the Ministry Placement Made Easy 4 Part Video Series© show you how to unleash your members and leaders into their right place in ministry.  Click Here Now…

Listen, my name is Robin Kegler, The Wearing The Right C.A.P. Coach™ and you may be wondering why I want to get these FREE videos into your hands immediately.

There was a time in my life when I struggled to identify my calling—specifically, how to narrow it down because I had so many interests.  I got tired of volunteering for projects, ministries and job assignments, only to end up frustrated, unfulfilled and discouraged.

Even though I’d done a lot of good things, I kept falling short of the God thing, my Kingdom Assignment—the very thing I was birthed in the earth to do.

After trial and error over the years, I discovered my Kingdom Assignment.  It took an extra five (5) years and over $10,000 in training, working with coaches, mentors and others BEFORE I really started walking it out.

“You don’t have to take five (5) years and $20,000 to get the answers you want about ministry placement.  I’ve already done that for you!”

When you click on the link below, I will give you a Behindthe Scenes look at the EXACT Step by Step Process ministries and people like you have used to uncover, unlock and unleash their calling.

You Added The Other Part…You Helped Me To See Where I’m To Go Next”

“It’s hard for me to get still.  It’s hard because I am such a busy person. I needed clarity and to understand what I heard in my heart to do.  The burden was on me to insert this into my schedule as busy as my schedule is.  So I rearranged my whole life to attend your class.
I came to your class…knowing there was a blessing for me.  I knew you were the proper person in place for what I needed for this season in my life.  You have a way of bringing a comfort level to everyone.  Your style is not boring like reading a bedtime story.
You have matured me by stretching me.  You added the other part… I loved how you flowed with what you had to teach.  One morning you spoke about what you were receiving in preparation for our session and it was like a fresh stream of running water.  You made yourself assessable and available, taking the information and filtering it down to us.  You made it so interesting.
Your teaching has impacted my life by helping me to see what I need to fulfill my vision.  Your teaching impregnated me and gave illumination to what God had already revealed to me. I learned from your example how to motivate others to action and lead by example.  The word you gave set me free and I can give it to others.
You helped me to understand where I am now, so I can move to where I’m going to next.  You challenged me, stretched me and charged me.  I’m thankful…”
Pastor K. Parker, Maryland

Discover how you and your members can use the F⁴.A.S.T.™ Formula© to take the first step to walk out your assignments.

I want to show you how to:

Zero in on your calling

Get really clear on what, where and with whom your impact will make the greatest difference

Be more fulfilled, satisfied and successful as a ministry and individually because you are in your right place, doing your right assignment

Specifically, when you watch the Ministry Placement Made Easy 4 Part Video Series©, you will learn how to…

Uncover your calling by zeroing in on the right place you and your members are to start looking

Unlock your specific clues—signs throughout your life (I call them ‘Little Clouds”) that God has been leading you along like the Israelites in the wilderness to get to the Promised Land–your Kingdom Assignment–your reason for being born.

Unleash your right assignment so that you can be more fulfilled, satisfied and successful living your life from your place of strength and impacting your sphere of influence for Christ–consistently.

The specific steps you have been looking for and your members and leaders have been waiting for is finally here!  Get the FREE Ministry Placement Made Easy 4 Part Video Series©.

Take the first step into your next phase of ministry 

Click on the link below to get your FREE copy of the Ministry Placement Made Easy 4 Part Video Series©.  Then fill in your Name, Primary Email and Phone Number & you’ll get Part 1 (Introduction) immediately.

Ministry Placement Made Easy 4 Part Video Series-Get Your FREE Copy today!

I know as a Senior Leader, your time is limited.  That’s why these videos are less than five (5) minutes each!  Go ahead…Click on the link below.  Fill in your Name, Primary Email and Phone Number to learn how to have happier, more committed members doing the work of their ministry now!

After you watch these 4 short videos (less than 5 minutes each); you will feel joyful and thankful.  You’ll know what to do and you take action.

Get your FREE copy of Ministry Placement Made Easy 4 Part Video Series©.

YES, Robin, I want the FREE VIDEOS NOW!