Wearing The Right C.A.P.’s Global Ministry Impact Assessment System ties into a unique ministry placement system with a step-by-step process that is only available through Wearing The Right C.A.P. so that you maximize God’s leading in your life.
This is Step 1 in our Consultative Analysis:
The Wearing The Right C.A.P. Assessments have a 96% or better accuracy rate and are available for leadership TEAMS and congregation members to know where to start looking to zero in on your kingdom assignment and life assignment. Click here for details…
“Where Do You Want To Make The Greatest Impact?”
“I’m an Associate Minister or Fivefold Ministry Leader”
I want to know my five fold ministry calling and identify where I make the greatest impact within the ministry and beyond the walls of the church. Is There An Easy Way To Do That? LEARN MORE
“I’m in the Workplace”
Spiritually-minded Small Business Owners, Entrepreneurs and Executive Leaders
I want to make a greater impact in the marketplace as a small business owner, entrepreneur and leader. I want to Eliminate Misplaced People and have my company make such an impact in the community and globally that media sources contact me for my expertise. LEARN MORE
I want to make a greater impact in the Right Place and Right Assignment at Work. I’m ready to Uncover, Unlock & Unleash My Calling Now! Is That Really Possible? LEARN MORE
“I’m a Senior Pastor, Executive Pastor or Small Group Pastor”
I want my leaders and members know where they fit in ministry so they are in the Right Place Doing The Right Assignment. I’m tired of plugging members into any positions just because it’s vacant. How Do I Do That? LEARN MORE
NOTE: We have Kegler PAGS Assessments for Teens & Children with our Full Global Ministry Impact Assessment Program.
Want A Ministry Placement Analysis? Click Here for Details…